Yakima Regional’s parent company, HMA, announced a likely buyout by CHS, Community Health Systems. If this buyout is finalized next March it would bring many changes to our hospital that, because we have a union, we will sit at the table and bargain.

  • Who is CHS?
    Community Health Systems is a for-profit healthcare corporation based in
  •  CHS had more than $16 billion in assets and made $345 million in profi t in
  • CHS also owns Valley Hospital in Spokane Valley and Deaconess Hospital
    in Spokane. SEIU Healthcare 1199NW members at Valley and Deaconess
    are in bargaining or preparing to bargain new contracts right now.
  • SEIU Healthcare has a voice in CHS nationally. More than 10,000 nurses
    and healthcare workers at CHS facilities five states are united in
    SEIU Healthcare.

What happens to our contract if the deal closes?

We will make sure CHS continues to respect our contract. We have a history of working with CHS and successfully kept our contract in place when CHS bought the hospitals in Spokane. We bargain the effects of the buyout. We will sit down at the table with CHS and bargain over any changes CHS would like to make.

“We all need to stand together so we have the power to make this buyout a positive for our patients and our families.” — Glenda Jensen, PNAc


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