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Hundreds of Kadlec service and tech healthcare workers in Richland and Kennewick, with our community beside us, picketed to make our voices heard for a fair contract with Providence that respects us, protects us, and pays us!  

We’re fighting for an agreement with safe staffing levels, PTO accruals, a voice in decisions that affect healthcare benefits, job and contract security if Providence decides to sell Kadlec, paid bargaining time, and more. While we continue to bring forth thoughtful proposals that would improve our lives and the quality of care for our patients, Providence continues to refuse important articles and brought us a wage scale that would move some job classes to lower pay grades.  

Our message is clear: same employer and same work means same pay. There are significant disparities around compensation for Providence’s workforce at Kadlec compared to wages at Providence Swedish and other Providence facilities. Providence needs to step up and accept our proposals that would treat us with the same dignity and respect as it treats healthcare workers elsewhere. 

Shout out to our community who joined us on the picket line to fight for quality patient care!  

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