Healthcare Career Advancement Program (H-CAP) and SEIU to work with online university to provide BSN and MSN opportunities to members

Western Governors University (WGU),, Healthcare Career Advancement Program (H-CAP), and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU),  have partnered to provide the union’s 85,000 nurses a new, more affordable means to earn advanced degrees. Under the terms of an agreement with the Healthcare Career Advancement Program (H-CAP), SEIU members will receive information regarding WGU’s accredited BSN and MSN degree programs as well as eligibility for a 5% discount for up to two years.

WGU offers online, CCNE-accredited bachelor’s and master’s degree programs for working nurses. These programs are ideal for RNs who wish to complete their bachelor’s degrees as well as those who wish to prepare to become advanced practice nurses or educators by earning a master’s degree. All online, WGU’s programs use an innovative, competency-based learning model. Designed for working adults with prior education and experience, competency-based learning allows students to move quickly through what they already know so they can focus on what they still need to learn.

“This partnership will support the career aspirations of nurses and ultimately equip nurses with deeper skills and expertise, whether at the bedside, in a clinic or health center, or within the home,” said Diane Sosne, RN, MN and President of SEIU Healthcare 1199NW.  “This opportunity is more important than ever as nurses strive to deliver the right care at the right time in the right setting for patients.”

In addition to their flexibility, WGU’s advanced nursing degree programs are very great value. With the H-CAP discount, tuition is approximately $6,200 per 12-month year. In addition, scholarships and federal financial aid are available to qualified students.  Furthermore, nurses working for employers who participate in the SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Multi-Employer Training Fund may be eligible for additional tuition assistance and other assistance programs.  Nurses at Harborview, Swedish, Valley Medical Center, Northwest, Group Health, or Highline should contact the Training Fund for more information.  Nurses who work elsewhere should contact WGU directly.

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