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Together workers have raised the minimum wage in Seattle, Tacoma, and SeaTac and advanced starting wages in our workplace, which creates a new standard for all job classes. But many workers across the state are still only starting at a minimum wage of $9.47/hour.
This year we’re working with community partners in the Raise Up Washington initiative to support ALL working families by raising the statewide minimum wage to $13.50 over 4 years and establish paid sick and safe leave across Washington.

Our action will make the difference:

Continue to advance standards
Some of our fellow 1199NW members are still starting at the current minimum wage. That makes it harder to raise contract wage standards for all of us. Together we need to raise the base pay across all hospitals and clinics and create a new standard to advance all wages.
Support workers and patients
More than 730,000 Washingtonians would benefit from an increase in the minimum wage—including many of our fellow healthcare workers across the state, along with patients and clients. An increase to $13.50 would mean an extra $607 a month for a worker who is making about $10 an hour right now.
Support the health of our community
Nobody should be forced to work sick —but right now many workers do, putting other members of the public at risk because they can’t afford to lose income.

Talk to your Delegate, Executive Board member, or organizer about how you can get involved!

Follow the Raise Up Washington campaign on facebook.

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