Puget Sound Area
More than 860 RNs are proud members of SEIU Healthcare 1199NW.
Read the Eastern and Western State Hospital report on safety and violence here.
DSHS Officers & Delegates
Region 2 RCS, Kent
Lisa Foster 253-234-6048
Helen Hurgo, 253-234-6050
Robbie Yamini, 253-234-6019
RCS Seattle Office
Murph Gagnon, 206-341-7748
Allen Goodwin, 206-341-7726
Tia Hallberg, 206-341-7748
RCS Tumwater Office
Debbie Carlson, Day
Shana Johnny, Day
Rebecca ‘Becca’ Kane, Day
Region 3 RCS Lakewood Office
Lisa Hartwell, Day
Region 3 RCS
Tina Angeles, 253-983-3812
Ruth Futch, 253-983-3813
Division of Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities
Samantha Grava, CCSS, Pat A, Day
Fircrest School
Chair, Charan Paul, 206-361-3598
Rainier School (360-829-1111) (ask to page)
Chair, Trish Squires, Evenings
Vice Chair, Marrie Hasek, Days
Richard Simpson, Evenings
Karin Balsley, Nights
Yakima Valley School
Josie Barrera, 509-698-1343
Lisa Beason, 509-698-1334
Christie Meza, 509-654-0600
Carol Wright RN 3, 509-225-4637
Lakeland Village
Erica Horton, RN2, Days
Traci McKenzie, RN2, Days
Mark Sweeney, RN 3, PAT 4 Days, 509-299-1919
Eastern State Hospital, 509-565-4000
Shelley A. Bryner, RN3, GPU Bpod
Denysa Bushy, RN2
Dan Gosser, RN3 FSU 1S1
Ken Hall, RN3
Sharon Silar, RN2 ESH PERT
Van Braas, RN2, BHSIA MHD
Michelle Hiseley, RN2, FSU 3S1
Melissa Staples, RN3, FSU, E-Board
Monty Henderson, RN 3, GPU Dpod
Alan Jackson, RN2, Permanent Float
Veronica Palmer, RN3, APU 3N1
Lana Stratton, RN3, APU 1N1
Pamela Tomson, RN2, ESH Float
Western State Hospital, 253-582-8900 (ask to page)
Barbara Shelman, RN2, CFS Admissions
Bo Dutson, CNS
Debbie Hawkins, RN3, F-7
Jo Sokolowski, RN3, C-6
Maria ‘Jey’ Engelhardt-Parales, RN3, F7, S4
Willie Saw, RN3, S-9